Mobile Repair Maintenance Truck - Üsfen Makina

Mobile Repair Maintenance Truck

Mobile Repair Maintenance Truck

Product Properties

Mobile Repair Maintenance Tool
Emergency response: These vehicles can be used to assist vehicle drivers who are stranded on the road due to vehicle breakdowns or accidents. Government agencies can use mobile repair and maintenance vehicles to provide a quick response in emergencies.
Operational efficiency: Mobile repair maintenance vehicles increase operational efficiency by providing faster and more effective maintenance to public institutions’ vehicles and equipment.
Cost savings: Mobile repair maintenance vehicles save time and money by servicing vehicles directly next to their customers, instead of going to service centers to repair or maintain vehicles.
Flexibility: Mobile repair maintenance tools are ideal for work that requires fieldwork. These vehicles can perform a variety of tasks in different locations and adapt to the needs of customers.

Mobile Lubrication Truck

Mobile Repair Truck

Manhole Cover Repar Truck

Truck Equipments

The job is to create the needs analysis in the field and to create the most safe and efficient vehicle design by ensuring the optimization of the equipment used more than once. It is designed to provide the energy resources that may be needed in the field with the least maintenance and service costs with a single drive system. For example, there are systems driven by separate motors such as generator, compressor, welding machine, hydraulic power source to operate the equipment used in field work. Thanks to the system to be designed, these needs are met with a single power unit that reduces fuel and maintenance costs.
Special designs can be made according to the demands of the operators.

Welding Machinery and Equipment
Hydraulic Power Unit and Equipment (Between 100-800 Bar)
Remote Controlled On-Board Lighting Systems
Work Benches
Crusher, Drill, Cutter Hand Held Equipment
Charging Unit for Battery Powered Equipment
Dirty Water Pumps, Drainage Pumps, Asphalt Cutting Machine
Pipe Cutting, Shaving Machines

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